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ICD Positive FFN in OB/GYN (fetal fibronectine)


how would you code a case with a positive FFN, sent to L&D to check due to high risk of early labor?

thanks so much!

Alicia Scott

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Well this is a complication so that is where I would start. It is NOT pre-term labor but a mother who is at risk for pre-term labor. Usually in the next two weeks with a positive test. So you are going to be in the 640-649 section. With this type of thing you are best to go to the tabular. Now breaking it down from there, this is a condition in her body not the baby. It is not listed in any of the areas like you could pick for hemorrhage or some other complication.

What happens is the placenta is detaching early. Not like preclampsia either. This is when the protein breaks down. It is a natural process just not supposed to happen early. With that all being said I think I would go with:
646.80 - Other specified complications of pregnancy; unspecified episode of care

Not a 648 or a 649 code
Because 648 doesn't really work because it is for something the mother has all the time like DM. With 649 you have specifics but still nothing that works. UNLESS your mother is after 37 weeks and before 39. Then you cold use 649.8. BUT only if she really goes into labor and having a +FN is not going into labor.
648 Other current cond in mother classifiable elsewhere, complicating preg, childbirth, puerperium
649 Other conditions or status of the mother complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
